3 Items You Can Donate Today
When it comes to purging your space, it's very common to donate typical items such as coats, shoes, suits, books, furniture plus more. But there are other items that you may tend to hold onto even though you don't need them simply because you may be unsure about what to do with them. Here are three items that you probably didn't think that you could donate or up-cycle!
1: Bras
Ok, so I didn't always use a washing bag when it came to time wash my bras and as a result of my carelessness there would be small snags in the bras or the elasticity wouldn't be as strong. Now when I wash my bras, I place them inside of washing bags which I love because they preserve the integrity of my bras an other delicate items. I think that’s so important because a quality bra can be costly so the washing bags also protect my investment and saves me time and money from having to replace them. So, that brings me to my next point, the bras that may have a few snags but are still in good condition shouldn't be thrown away. If you have been throwing away your bras then I hope this post encourages you to think twice before doing so. There are many organizations that accept - even insist that you donate your unwanted to bras to them because your bras can benefit teenage girls and women from underrepresented communities or those who are rebuilding their lives after being involved in domestic violence situations. Believe it or not, many bras can end up in the landfills, so you're doing your part by saving the planet while simultaneously empowering another woman. I would also recommend that you check with your local thrift stores and shelters as they may accept them as well.
2: Towels & Washcloths
Re-purposed towels, linens, and cloths that have been transformed into cleaning rags.
When I feel as though I have too much of something then I set out to purge. Purging my space is intentional and I enjoy it because it demonstrates that I can recognize when I need to step in and take control. It is also how I stay sane (lol) because I absolutely can not function in clutter. So, when it came time to invest in some really great towels and washcloths, I did away with the old ones. Now, while I don't donate the towels & washcloths, I did determine other uses for them. For example, I have used my old towels to cover up the floor to prevent making a mess when working on a craft project and old wash cloths are used for cleaning and dust rags. If I need to wipe down an area within my space or clean and dry the floor then my old washcloths come in use.
Alright, so two things are happening here:
I am saving money by not having to buy cleaning rags and I make sure to wash the cloths so that they may be re-used.
I am being sustainable by re-purposing them instead of throwing them away.
Therefore, you should definitely consider re-purposing your old towels and washcloths because you just may still be able to get some use out of them even if it isn't for the intended purpose.
3: Bed Linen
Just like old washcloths and towels, I sometimes use my old linen as a protective barrier for the floor when working on craft projects. But recently, I discovered that there is one place that will take your bed linen no matter how many holes or unidentifiable stains may be lingering. Animal shelters and Veterinary Hospitals. Yup! I've dropped off towels, tattered blankets, and linen which are all used to wrap-up the animals to keep them warm, clean up a mess, or they’re used for the animals to just lounge on. Either way the linen can be very useful and every time that I have bought a bag to the local vet, I am always greeted with a smile, as they're excited to receive the donation. You can always call your local animal shelter or Veterinary Hospital to make sure they're accepting bed linen before dropping it off.
Grab the Spring Cleaning List and
'Pay What You Want'
As I previously mentioned, there are certain organizations that will gladly take your unwanted bras, but there are so many other organizations that willingly accept items you no longer want. These items can either be donated or up-cycled. That's why I created "The Spring Cleaning List" because it provides you with de-cluttering tips on various spaces and items, includes direct links to product recommendations that serve as effective storage pieces when organizing your space, and access to the 'Donation Resource Sheet' which lists over 30+ organizations where you can donate your items. I've done the work for you by outlining the tips and providing the resources so all you have to do is clean out your space.
And, as I come across more resources they will be added to the sheet and you can always refer to it when necessary. The best part about this investment is that you can name your price and pay as little as $2 for the resource list. Get your space in order today and use the list as a guide!